Distributor Training In South Africa With SI Analytics
A member of our training team recently delivered a training session which was held for a distributor located in South Africa. SI Analytics is a long-standing distributor partner whose staff members undertook training on the Protea P2000 and P5000 range with the training taking place from 22nd January 2024 to 26th January 2024.

Topics covered included P2000 Familiarisation, Infrared photometer principles, P2000 site service, Control Units and Analyser Software, P5000 Site Service and Troubleshooting and fault finding.

The Protea 2000 In-Situ Infra-red gas analyser connected to a Protea Control Unit forms the basis of a Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS). The Stack Mounted In-Situ analyser monitors the stack gas without the need for any sample handling equipment making it a cost effective solution to Continuous Emission Monitoring and Process applications.
The Protea 5000 is an ultra-violet (UV), continuous emission monitoring analyser, designed for in-situ analysis of gas-phase emission components. Using absorption spectroscopy, Protea 5000 stores and analyses the full UV spectrum and calculates the gas emission concentrations.
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